The management of Afro-Zonke Chemicals is totally committed to a policy of reducing all risks and creating a healthy and safe environment for all permanent and contractor employees as well the public at large strives to maintain an SHEQ management system that conforms to ISO9001, 14001 & 45001
We believe that:
- All accidents can be prevented
- Every job can be done safely
- Line managers are responsible for the safe environment of those they control
- Everyone has a duty to work safely, environmentally aware and to encourage others to do likewise
The organisation commits that this SHEQ policy is understood, accepted, implemented and maintained throughout the company through:
- Creation of healthy and safe working environment that is maintained on a continuous basis for all its employees and interested parties/stakeholders.
- The Executive takes responsibility to inform employees and interested parties of the risks and hazards they are exposed to, and develop control measures to mitigate these risks and hazards.
- All employees are trained on hazard identification including near misses and reporting these to management.
- Creation of SHE committees to enable implementation of SHEQ management programme.
- We will strive to provide the highest cost-effective quality chemical solutions that current technology allows.
- We will set SHEQ objectives and achieve them.
- We will ensure that customer, regulatory and statutory requirements are met.
- We will continually improve the effectiveness of our SHEQ Management System.
- SHEQ policy is regularly communicated to our employees and interested parties and reviewed by the Executive for its continuing suitability.
- We will maintain a profitable operation to establish a competitive position in the market and reward stakeholders in line with our vision and mission.
- We will strive to continually improve in all areas of our business operations.
